Igari Tomoka announced that she is graduating from Kamen Joshi

source: https://www.instagram.com/igari_tomoka

Igari Tomoka updated her blog and reported that on February 17th, she had announced at a theater performance that she is graduating from Kamen Joshi and will hold a one-man live at ZeppHaneda on September 19th and will work solo in the future.  The official graduation date is TBD.

Tomoka wrote that the reason why she wants to graduated is that she wants to do her best individually and not rely on the groups and as she has been helped by her fellow Kamen Joshi members over and over again, she wants to believe in this new opportunity in the future as a person in a wheelchair.

Tomoka said although she will no longer be an idol performing live, she will continue to work on the Alice Project.

Last April,There was a spring storm and a strong gust of wind blew a signboard that was standing near the main gate of Yushima Seido in Bunkyo Ward which collapsed and hit Igari, who was walking by.

Igari is paralyzed from the waist down and continues to go through therapy and despite her injuries, Igari worked hard hard to come back on stage but also getting involved in parasports.

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💥💥 . . 「BarrierBreaker」 . 東京電視さんの番組「レペゼンLOCAL」で猪狩ともかの為に作っていただいた曲をやっとライブで披露できました!! せりゆーりくらげりるがこの日の為に振りを作ってバックダンサーを務めてくれました!本当に感謝! . 曲を作ってくださったクリフエッジのJUNさんとDJ MASTERKEYさんも生誕祭を見にきてくださり、嬉しかったです😭✨ . メロディも歌詞も素敵で、特にラップ部分がすき!! 「哀れんだ目で私を見てんじゃね〜ぞ」 . . . #仮面女子 #猪狩ともか #生誕祭 #ソロ曲 #かましたった #素敵な曲を頂けて幸せすぎる

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