Over 2,800 comments on Twitter requesting for NHK program to show SMAP reruns

NHK’s program “Professional Shigoto no Ryugi” has an Official Twitter and when it was asked what they would like to see re-aired, over 2,800 comments came to the Twitter asking for the SMAP episodes to be broadcast.

Comments were as follows:

Please rebroadcast the full version with SMAP

I really want to see SMAP

SMAP is what is needed during these tough times.

Difficult.  I know what is important, but I need SMAP during the times of difficulty.

SMAP is a former Johnny’s Jimusho group featuring Nakai Masahiro, Kimura Takuya, Inagaki Goro, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, and Katori Shingo.  The group began in 1991 and disbanded in 2017.