“TERRACE HOUSE: TOKYO 2019-2020” cast member/model Yoshida Yume posted on Instagram in regards to Kimura Hana

Source: https://www.instagram.com/___yuume.18/

On “TERRACE HOUSE: TOKYO 2019-2020” cast member/model Yoshida Yume posted on Instagram in regards to Kimura Hana. The two were close in the house even up to the point when production stopped due to the coronavirus.

Yoshida posted the following on Instagram:


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はなちゃん。 信じられなくて信じたくなくて 心が追いつきません 昨日の朝起きてすぐに電話もLINEもしたけどもう遅かった。 1人で悩んで傷ついて 辛い想いを抱え込んでいたんだと思うと、 はなちゃんの優しさを守れなかったと思うと 本当に胸が苦しい。 思い返してもはなちゃんの笑顔ばっかり思い浮かぶ。 いつも素直でまっすぐで みんなのことを笑顔にさせてくれて。 プロレスの試合を見に行った時も 本当にかっこよくてとてもキラキラしてて。 ご飯を作ってくれたり、一緒にパックしたり、一緒にお風呂入ったり。 もっと色んなところに出かける約束もしてたのに、 もうあの笑顔を見れないと思うと本当に辛いです。涙が止まらない。 はなちゃん ゆっくり休んでね。 ずっとずっと愛してるよ。 そして、はなちゃんは沢山の人から愛されてる。 本当にありがとう。 心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。

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Hana-Chan, I can’t believe it. I don’t want to believe it.  My heart can’t understand.

I woke up yesterday morning and immediately called you and messaged you on LINE but it was too late.

By yourself, you were worried and hurt, when I think you were carrying such suffering, when I think that I wasn’t able to protect your kindness, it makes my heart truly ache and is in pain.

Even when I think back, all I can remember is your smile.  You were always honest and direct.  It made everyone happy.

When we watched your pro wrestling match, you were truly awesome and always shining.

You made me dinner, we applied face packs together, we bathed together.  We’d even promised to go to lots of different places together.

When I think I can’t see that smile again, I can’t stop crying.  I’m in so much pain.

Hana-chan.  Rest softly.

I will love you forever and ever.  And Hana-chan, you’re loved by many people.

Thank you very much.

From the bottom of my heart, we pray for your soul.