Stardom shares photos on Twitter of showing their love and attention to Kimura Hana’s kitten, Karaage-kun


Kimura Hana began raising the kitten Karaage-kun after her friend SILENT SIREN Hinanchu, gave the stray kitten to Kimura who wanted to care for the kitten.

Kimura has shared photos of Karaage-kun on her social media up to the final days of her life.

According to STARDOM founder Ogawa Rossy, Kimura’s kitten was found in a basket outside of the Stardom office door on the day of Kimura’s death and Hinanchu of SILENT SIREN shared on SNS that Stardom wrestlers have been taking care of the kitten.

Ogawa Rossy and Takeichi Tatsuya have been shared photos of Karaage-kun on Twitter.

Ogawa writes, “I was weak for awhile but now I’m running on full energy. Growing up!”.

Takeichi writes, “Playing, sleeping, getting up already and is hungry”.

After playing, I got tired and went to sleep.