Is Black Pikachu shown during the “Pokemon Presents” video a new upcoming character or a subtle message?


During Ishihara Tsunekazu’s presentation of “Pokemon Presents”, many viewers in Japan were surprised to see a black Pikachu (Kuroi Pikachu) on the opposite end of the the yellow Pikachu.

Many wondered if this is The Pokemon Company showing their support for #blacklivesmatter or is this a new character being unveiled?

“Pokemon Presents” was showcasing the diversity of families and children who love Pokemon at the beginning of the video.

And the inclusion of the Black Pikachu may be a subtle way for the company to show their support of #BlackLivesMatter from Japan.  And if that is the case, that would be pretty cool.

But is it a new character?

Many feel its the character from the Fujiwara Hiroshi x Pokemon 2nd from 2019 which featured a Black PikachuBlack Evie, Black Mewtwo, etc, .

“Men’s Non-No” featured some of the merchandise as part of Fujiwara’s Fragment Design last April.

Dior Designer Kim Jones featured his Black Pikachu mascot keychain last year.


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Thank you for the Pikachu @fujiwarahiroshi

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But only mascot keychains were developed, not a huge plush.  Could it be that this is a hint of a possibly character that will be coming soon on any of the Pokemon video games?

We’ll have to wait and see.