New seiyuu announced for “Fit Boxing 2”

There is no doubt that Imagineer’s “Fit Boxing 2” was a popular video game for the Nintendo Switch as many people weren’t able to workout at the gym during covid-19.

But one of the things that attracted many seiyuu fans were the voice talented associated with the games such as:

早見沙織 (Hayami Saori)
中村悠一 (Nakamura Yuichi)
上坂すみれ (Uesaka Sumire)
小清水亜美 (Koshimizu Ami)
田中敦子 (Tanaka Atsuko)
大塚明夫 (Otsuka Akio)

And the addition of the following three seiyuu for “Fit Boxing 2”:

釘宮理恵(Nagamiya Rie)
石田彰(Ishida Akira)
鬼頭明里(Kito Akari)