V6/20th Century’s Sakamoto Masayuki talked about V6 disbanding and Morita Go

V6 leader/20th Century member Sakamoto Masayuki (49) was at Kurume City Plaza in Fukuoka on the 13th, a day after the shocking announcement that V6 was disbanding and that Morita Go would be leaving the group and Johnny’s.

Sakamoto spoke to the audience and said when he first hear Morita saying he wanted to leave, Sakamoto said, “I was surprised.  But all we could do was support him.   We said that only us six people are V6”.

Sakamoto said that the group is planning to hold a tour before disbanding.  Even after disbanding, Sakamoto said, “As the start of Chapter 2, we will continue to be in the entertainment world.  Please continue to support us”.