Uchida Yuki shares her tips of how she looks youthful at 45

Actress Uchida Yuki was interviewed by Kokubun Atsushi for “Pen” and shared how she looks youthful at the age of 45.

Uchida said, “It’s mentally fun, for example, it’s a bit cloudy today, but if it’s not raining, I would walk outdoors and see the scenery, ride a bicycle and go around the park. In the past, my sleep time was short and my physical condition was very difficult to manage and had to rely on massages. Now I don’t need to receive massages at all”.

As for eating right, Uchida said, “You can eat meat and fish at night just by not eating carbohydrates and combining vegetable juice and yogurt. I reduce my consumption of carbs”.

But Uchida said her youthful look is also in her genes. “Looking youthful is in the DNA of my parents, my mother and father. My mother still looks young and hasn’t changed from 30 years ago. It’s in the family line (laughing)”.