Kuro-chan looks back on being hospitalized for the novel coronavirus

Kuro-chan was infected with the novel coronavirus back in July. During hospitalization, he had a high fever and was physically and mentally weakened.

Kuro-chan looked back on having the novel coronavirus in an article for Aera. and wrote, “Last month, I was infected with corona. I’m really sorry that I’ve worried a lot of people and there was a time I was unable to work. I’m just grateful to the medical professions who assisted me 24 hours a day. I now realize once again that I’m back to being ‘healthy’ and that makes me so happy. My infection was discovered on July 18th. The first incident was having a fever and I had to work that night. I had a strange feeling that was different from my usual tiredness. I always carry a thermometer with me, so I took my temperature and it was 37 degrees. I thought maybe it was corona, but of course I didn’t want to believe it but I called my manager and went for a PCR test. I thought a lot, leading up to the result and thought, ‘I’m I’m infected, I wouldn’t be able to work. What should I do?’ and also, ‘Who have I worked with in the last few days?’.

“Given the worst situation, I was anxious. But then I started to remain calm, but my fever started to rise and my heart was prepared. A few hours later, as I expected, I was positive for the novel coronavirus. I stayed at home for two days but then I was hospitalized. I had an x-ray and my diagnosis was ‘moderate’. I was very surprised because while my fever was high, it’s not that bad. But I was wrong. The hospitalization was harder than I imagined. I am physically fit, so I thought a fever wouldn’t hurt me. But my high temperature wouldn’t go down at all. One minute it was 38 degrees, then five minutes later it was 39 degrees. I was mentally weakened and I started thinking ‘How long is this going to last?’. Then I was connected to an electrocardiogram and an oximeter. If you use an IV drip, the fever will drop temporarily but will soon rise again. This is not an overstatement but ‘death’ came to my mind”.

“Thanks to the treatement of the healthcare workers, the fever decreased a little on the fourth day of hospitalization and the symptoms subsided on the 7th day. On the 8th day, I recovered to the point where I could stretch lightly. On July 29th, I was discharged safely and lost 7 kilograms (15 pounds). It was difficult while I was in the hospital but grateful that I received encouragement from various people. Among them, Oki Bibiru and Takahashi Minami contacted me everyday. I was happy by the many comments from people on SNS. Normally, my SNS has a lot of anti-comments but this time, I had the exactopposite. At first, I was a little confused with the ‘don’t die’ comments. While I have fully recovere3d, please comment as much as you like, but please be a little more gentle? I received a lot of energy from various people, so now it’s my turn to return it back to everyone”.