Nitta Mackenyu has been cast as Roronoa Zoro for NETFLIX’s live action version of “ONE PIECE”

It was officially announced that Nitta Mackenyu has been cast as Roronoa Zoro for NETFLIX’s live action drama series “ONE PIECE”.

Five members of the Straw Hat Pirates have now been cast including Inaki Godoy as Monkey D. Luffy, Emily Rudd as Nami, Jacob Romero Gibson as Usopp and Taz Skylar as Sanji.

The series is based on Oda Eiichiro’s original manga series and Oda who serves as an executive producer released the following statement, “We’ve been working with NETFLIX and Tomorrow Studios on the massive project that is the Hollywood live action series adaptation of ONE PIECE! How many years has it been since it was announced, right? I know, I know! But rest assured, we’ve been making steady progress all along! It’s not easy when you’re working with people from different cultures! But’s it’s precidesly that process that can yield something special! For now, we’re able to announce the main cast! Rather, we need to hurry and annouce it or else it’ll be leaked, apparently! Hilarious, lol! Their Face, the size of their mouths, hand size, their aura, the way they carry themselves, their voice, their acting skills, their height, the balance amongst the Straw Hat Crew, etc. We decided on this cast after numerouos discussions involving people around the world! These are the people who will be our Straw Hat Pirates! It’ll take a bit more time to get this show done, but we’ll continue to do our best to deliver a show that we’re confident will be enjoyed by everyone around the world! Look forward to updates in the future!”.