Hobbies which wives were forced to get rid of by their husbands

Kufura recently did a survey on 166 married women in their 20s through 50s of things their husbands made them get rid of. Here is an excerpt of an article by Nakata Ayami:

Oshi Goods (favorite artist/groups merchandise)

“I got rid of all the goods of a certain male group that I had before marriage. It was sad.” (37 years old/Other)

“It’s Korean idol goods! I kept it so that it wouldn’t be found out when I got married, and it was soon found out. My husband told me to dispose of it, so I asked him to dispose of his figurines as well.” When I said it wasn’t equal if I didn’t, they stopped saying anything. I still keep it in my house.” (23 years old/other)

What would you do if your husband forced you to dispose of your “push” goods? In this questionnaire, three different responses were received, but the counterattack to the third husband is wonderful! It’s not fair to just keep the husband’s collection and get rid of the wife’s.

Stuffed Animals

“Hello Kitty’s stuffed toy. I was forced to graduate because I’m not a child anymore.” (41 years old / Housewife)

“I bought a Mickey Mouse stuffed animal at Disneyland, where my husband and I often went before we got married. Most of it was thrown away because it took up too much space. After having a child, the number of Mickey Mouse stuffed animals increased again, but my husband complained”. (58 years old/housewife)

I have also experienced it, but it’s too sad to say goodbye to a stuffed animal that you’re attached to… According to the comments, even if it is not recognized as her wife’s personal property, it seems that her husband cannot interfere with the child’s property. If you like stuffed animals, how about enjoying the hobby with your children?


“I’ve been asked if I should get rid of my books because I have a lot of them. I don’t have a place to store them, so I sometimes get rid of them.” (Age 50/Housewife)

“Cartoon. It was occupying one room, so I tearfully disposed of it to make a child’s room.” (50 years old / Finance / Accounting)

“I love manga, so I asked them to make a special shelf for me and put them there.”

In the questionnaire for married men, there were comments about books that I collected as a hobby but my wife forced me to dispose of them. There are e-books now, and you may consider buying something that sticks out of your own space in the future.


“A large amount of clothes. I was told to bring home what I don’t need.”

“I don’t like flashy clothes when I wear them, so I got rid of them.” (Age 52/part-time worker)

“I had five times more clothes than my husband, so I was forced to get rid of them.” (57 years old/Self-employed)

There must be a lot of people who don’t want to throw away clothes that don’t fit well or whose design is outdated. It may be correct to get rid of the items that have been putting pressure on the closet with things that have not been worn for more than a year, before my husband tells me.

Paper Bags

“It’s not a hobby, but I was told to throw away the paper bags and shoppers that I saved out of the spirit of mottainai (not being wasteful) because there are more chances to reuse them than there are opportunities to not reuse them. Currently, I only have a few.” (33 years old) /part-time job)

“The tin boxes used to hold sweets and other items. I couldn’t throw away the tin boxes with cute or stylish designs, so I had quite a few. I got rid of a lot of it.” (53 years old / part-time worker)

Paper bags, empty boxes, and other items with good designs make us want to keep them because they can be used for something, but there are few opportunities to use them. Instead of hoarding endlessly one after another, it might be a good idea to set a limit on the number.

Other items

“Plants. I left them unattended due to lack of maintenance, so they were eventually thrown away.” (57 years old / Housewife)

“Is it a gift from your ex-boyfriend?” (44 years old/Other)

So far, I have introduced “things I collected as a hobby but my husband forced me to dispose of”. In general, I don’t think her husband should have any say in what she keeps in her personal space, but there may be some circumstances where her husband doesn’t care. You want to balance the tidying up of your house with your hobby.