Japanese owner of used Tesla shocked about the price of a Tesla battery replacement

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A used Tesla car owner found out the hardway of how much it would cost for a battery replacement from Tesla. The quote was over 2.3 million yen (a little over $16,000 US). The owner who has operated the used vehicle for three years warns people of purchasing a used Tesla.

It’s important to note that the sticker shock of a Tesla battery has been circulated through numerous posts on forums, YouTube and blog sites for years. Depending on what model and age of your Tesla, the battery can range anywhere from $16,000 to $30,000.

Those who receive the shock of the quote are usually of vehicles which are over 9 years old.

And prices of batteries have gone up in the past few years. Even Prius owners have seen the $1,500 battery price increase up to $5,000.