Japanese netizens react to GACKT’s one-meal a day routine

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Singer GACKT (50) appeared as a guest on Nippon Television’s “Meshidora ~Kanechika & Shinnosuke’s Gourmet Drive~” broadcast on the 13th and talked about the eating habits he has continued for 25 years.

GACKT said on the program, “Carbohydrates…I don’t eat much in general, but I haven’t eaten rice for 25 years. Basically, it’s all meat”.

GACKT activates his cells by reducing the number of meals he eats and allowing time for fasting. He was one of the first to adopt “autophagy”, which is said to have the effect of slowing down the body and preventing aging.

“I only eat one meal a day, so it’s autophagy, right? I’ve been practicing autophagy for 25 years. Even the doctors said things like, ‘You’re going to die’. Everyone who said that, “You’re going to get old”.

Netizens in Japan took to social media to share their thoughts on GACKT’s one meal a day routine.

I can’t believe he hasn’t eaten rice for 25 years…

Eating less is the answer to everything.

His stoicism is amazing. I was surprised that he only had one meal a day and no rice. I do feel that my mind works better when I’m hungry, but it’s hard to imitate that.

Yeah! It’s more difficult than gluten-free.I can’t eat fried rice, tempura bowl, or curry rice…

This person may be young, but I have the impression that he is in poor health

I think this person must take care of his body.

I’m not criticizing Gackt (I understand that looks are important because he’s a celebrity), I would rather grow old and die normally than put up with it and stay young.

If Gackt is around 50 years old now, he looks younger than the average 50 year old, but isn’t that normal for someone in the entertainment industry?