Our Pick of 10 Japanese Celebrities to Follow on Tik Tok Part 2

For those who are on TikTok, there are numerous Japanese celebs that are on there (some who post more than others).

With many enjoying Part 1 of “Our Pick of 10 Japanese Celebrities to Follow on Tik Tok”, here is Part 2.  Please note that so many more have joined Tik Tok that a part 3 will be coming out soon!

Perfume (@perfumeofficial)

Watanabe Naomi (@naomiwatanabe)

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu (@2154776814) and (@2179393999)

AKB8’s Shitao Miu (@30550745649)

AKB48s Kojima Mako (@mako_2525)

GACKT (@gackt)

The Hoopers (@the_hoopers)

AKB48’s Nakano Ikumi (@30238169161a)

AKB48’s Nagano Serika (@serika888)

Kajisaku (@30428155729)

Former AKB48 Kojima Natsumi “Nattsun” (@30233374289)

Honorable Mentions:

AKB48’s Chiba Erii (@eriierii1027a)

AKB48’s Minegishi Minami (@miniegishiminami)

HIKAKIN (@hikakin)

Peco and Ryuchell (@pecoandryuchell)

Nankin Pepper (@2155181772)

DA PUMP (@2183069796)

CYBERJAPAN DANCER Riri (@cjd_riri)

AKB48 Captain Yokoyama Yui (@yui_yoko1208)

SKE48’s Obata Yuna (@yuna_obata48)

NGT48’s Ogino Yuka (@yuka_ippaiwarae)