Finished AKB48 “Sentimental Train” video with SKE48’s Matsui Jurina is now available through streaming (via a serial number available for those who purchased the CD)

The AKB48 53rd single “Sentimental Train” was released back on September 19th.

But because the single’s center, SKE48’s Matsui Jurina was on leave due to poor health for two and a half months, an unfinished version of the music video was released on the single’s DVD release and on YouTube.

It was announced that a finished version of the music video featuring Matsui Jurina was completed and while not available for the public, will be available for those who purchased the CD’s of “Sentimental Train” and with the accompanied serial number, they can download the music video via streaming.

The music video will be made available on October 25th at 8 p.m.