Are more female celebrities marrying/dating older men?

With Takahashi Minami (28) marrying a man that is 15-years older than her, many noticed that there have been numerous marriages among celebrities with younger women and older men.

When HIRO, formerly of EXILE and actress Ueto Aya were married in 2012, he was 16 years older than her.  Currently, HIRO is 49 and Ueto is 33.

Comedian Watabe Ken (46) married model Sasaki Nozomi (31) in 2017.  He is 15-years-older than her.

Maezawa Yusaku, president of ZOZO is 43-years-old and his girlfriend, actress Goriki Ayame is 26.  There is a 17-year difference between the two.

One of the largest age gap was between THE TRABRYU vocalist and musician Takahashi George (60) who married actress Mifune Mika (36), the late daughter of movie star Mifune Toshiro, back in 1998 (and divorced in 2015 after 16 years of marriage), there was a 24-year gap between the two. This marriage was surprising considering Takahashi met Mifune at the age of 13 and married her when she turned 16 (the legal age for marriage in Japan).

But it also works the opposite way as well.

SPEED’s HIRO (35) married actor Saotome Yuki (22) in 2017.  In 2015, actress Kikuchi Rinko (38) married actor Sometani Shota (26) and there is a 12-year gap between them. BLACK BISCUITS Chiaki (47) married a man in 2016 who is 15-years younger than her.

So, there are more marriages and relationships among celebrities with a 10-15+ year age gap.