Nogizaka46’s Shiraishi Mai and Takayama Kazumi appeared at the beginning of the Day 2 of the 17th Tokyo Dome Live special distribution on YouTube

On the Nogizaka46 YouTube channel, three days of the “Manatsu no Zenkoku Tour 2017 FINAL! in Tokyo Dome – Tokubetsu Haishin” are being streamed on YouTube.

Day 1 was streamed on Tuesday night, Day 2 was streamed on Wednesday night and for the intro, both Shiraishi Mai and Takayama Kazumi appeared.

Takayama said, “Looking back on the first Tokyo Dome performance back in November 2017, I remember very much about how I felt life was beautiful and how hot it was”.

Shiraishi said, “Yes, during rehearsal or production, I was sweating incredibly.  I was sweating like it was a waterfall.  I tried to see how much sweat I could control while performing during our real live performance.  I was thinking to not sweat”.

Takayama said, “Amazing! You can stop yourself sweating with spirit!  Certainly, I don’t have an image in my mind of Maiyan sweating”.

Takayama said about Shiraishi’s postponed graduation, “I definitely want to do a Maiyan graduation if we are able to.  I’m glad that there are many unit song with Maiyan.  Recently, new members often com in after graduating members but you think about the former members and I feel that I want to say goodbye to Maiyan’s, and be impressed while seeing her eyes while she is standing in her position”.

Shiraishi said, “WHITE HIGH, I want to show this off at the end”.

WHITE HIGH is the unit featuring Shiraishi and Takayama on vocals and at the time, Nogizaka46 members Hashimoto Nanami and Fukagawa Mai on acoustic guitar.

Shiraishi Mai was originally scheduled to graduate with the Nogizaka46 2020 Tokyo Dome performance which was supposed to be on May 5-7 but her graduation date was postponed due to the spread of the novel coronavirus in Japan.