SILENT SIREN drummer Uemura Hanako (Hinanchu) mourns her friend Kimura Hana, reveals that Hana picked up the cat from her last week

SILENT SIREN drummer Hinanchu (Uemura Hinako) posted on her blog about Kimura Hana and also Kimura’s cat Karaage-kun.

Hinanchu lived in Indonesia and Kimura Hana is half Japanese/Indonesian and the two met at the same location where they go for acupuncture moxibustion.

She remembered the first time they met and Hana was angry because Hinanchu never watched “Terrace House”.  But Hinanchu said that that she was very kind and polite.  Gave her a Godiva chocolate.

When she asked Hana of her age, Hana said she was 22-years-old and her thoughts was how young she was and she thought of the challenges she faced at that age and felt that she was able to overcome those challenges thanks to her fellow SILENT SIREN band members.

Hinanchu writes, “Not Hana-chan of Terrace House.  Not Hana-chan of wrestling.  I only knew Kimura Hana.  Why did she have to suffer abusive language from strangers.  I still can’t understand it”.

Hinanchu continued that she never knew what Hana was dealing with.  Hinanchu asked, “Why do such loved ones have to be beaten down by strangers?”.

Last week, Hana came to her house to pick up a cat which she was taking care of, the cat’s name is “Karaage-kun”.  She wonders where Karaage-kun is now?  She doesn’t know and she is worried for the cat.

In Kimura Hana’s final photo on Instagram post and story and also her final tweet, she is seen with Karaage-kun.

She wishes that she can talk to Hana even more.