Is Goriki Ayame planning to leave Oscar Promotion

It has not been a good 2020 for Oscar Promotion as numerous actresses and models have been leaving the entertainment office.  From Yokenura Ryoko, Nana Shiori, Okada Yui, Hasegawa Jun, Hotta Akane, Shibuki Jun, Youn-a, etc.

And now Daily Shincho is reporting that Goriki Ayame (27) has an attorney setup to prepare for her intention to leave Oscar Promotion.

According to the article, when asked if an agreement for Goriki to leave was finalized Oscar Promotion Chairman Koga Seiichi said, “I have not reached a conclusion yet, so I can’t answer”.

UPDATE: Goriki Ayama will be leaving Oscar Promotion on August 31st. Goriki has been part of Oscar Promotion since 2002, at the age of 10.