Hayashibara Megumi graduates as the voice of Hello Kitty, but why so much confusion?

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It was announced that long time Hello Kitty voice actress Hayashibara Megumi and longtime Mimmy voice actress Tominaga Miina would be graduating.

Hayashibara Megumi took to her blog on Ameba to write that she was not aware that she was graduating, until she saw a letter informing her of a change of voice talent.  She immediately contacted the Hello Kitty office.

But she received an explanation that it was due to Sanrio’s policy and wrote about her 33 years working on the series and thankful for the opportunity and being part of the longtime series.

And for the most part, the change is a passing of the baton to the next generation.  And along with that change, also all past videos will be made private, so no one will be able to hear Hayashibara’s voice as Hello Kitty on YouTube.

Fans have taken to social media to show their sadness that Hayashibara Megumi will no longer be doing Hello Kitty’s voice but also the fact that all the videos oin the channel featuring Hayashibara were made private.  Some fans are questioning why as Hayashibara was a huge part of Hello Kitty’s 50th year anniversary, as she did the voice for 33 years.  Why the need to make private the videos and hide the past?