MAX celebrating their 25th anniversary through their YouTube channel, sets a goal before each member turns 60

MAX members from L-R: LINA, MINA, NANA, REINA

MAX is one of Japan’s well-known female pop groups.  Formed from the popular Okinawa Actors School and were originally known as THE SUPERMONKEYS alongside Amuro Namie, the group help pave the way for other Okinawa Actors School performers including SPEED, Chinen Rina and more.

And in 2020, the group were to celebrate their 25th anniversary until the novel coronavirus affected the world.

On May 10, 2020, MAX was to hold their 25th Anniversary live event.  As NANA was on maternity leave, she was to return to join with the other members for the 25th anniversary but all activities for nearly all music performers in Japan were affected.

But the group has made the best of this year by creating their YouTube channel MAX THE BOMB and have been performing and also doing other fun activities through YouTube.  The group also released their song “Issho ni… (Happiness 2020)” on December 9th.

MAX revealed that their goal for all members before reaching their 60th birthday is to sing “Give me a shake” in red suits.