TV Tokyo apologize to those who are unable to watch their programs from other areas

On April 10th, TV Tokyo announced that it will carry out an apology campaign on numerous economic newspapers for the fact it said the popular programs of the station can be watched in real time from anywhere in Japan, but people wrote on SNS under the hashtag (#テレ東見れない) saying TV Tokyo does not appear in their area and can’t watch TV Tokyo programs.

What TV Tokyo meant was that their programming can be viewed on real-time digital distribution via TVer starting on April 11th and people could watch TV Tokyo’s prime time TV programs in real time anywhere in the country.

This prompted the PR division of TV Tokyo to release an image that TV Tokyo is being broadcast in some areas and apology for promoting as if they were behind that it was like a national nationwide broadcast.

TV Tokyo is trying to make it right by delivery apology items such as original Nanana goods (the mascot is a banana) such as playing cards and stickers to 100 people and Amazon gift certificates worth 1,000 yen to 100 people.